Location: 13465 Franklin Blvd., Lakewood, OH 44107 Entrance: Parking lot is accessed from Lewis Drive. Enter gym through the doors behind the building.
Location:16601 Madison Ave., Lakewood, OH 44107 Entrance: Enter parking lot from Woodward or Hilliard avenues. Gym door is at south end of the parking lot. Access through Door 14.
Location: 16401 Delaware Ave., Lakewood, OH 44107 Entrance: Parking lot is accessed from S. Marginal Road. Enter gym through main doors off parking lot.
Location:14100 Franklin Blvd., Lakewood, OH 44107 Entrance: Parking lots are available off Bunts Road, behind the school, and in front of the school on Franklin Blvd. Gym can be accessed through Door 32.